Friday, October 23, 2009

pin wheel bows

let me know which one u like
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wood Burner

My Wood Burner

By Heather Burkett

I raced out one day to buy a wood burner, because it was getting rave reviews on the forums. And I am all about buying crafting stuff that is hot (not literally hot lol) I bring it home and unwrap, and plug it in. All my ribbon is sitting out and ready to go. I take the first piece of grosgrain it’s a lovely pastel pink from UB. Place on the barrel of the wood burner and guess what?! I burned my self…(Not really a big shocker if you know me personally, I am a klutz.) So any who. I figure out to use an alligator clip to hold it so I am less likely to get burnt. So after a couple times my fat little fingers survived with only one battle scar. I was really impressed with the results of the burner. But you know how when you’re a child and some one tells you not to touch something cause it will burn you or you actually get burnt you don’t touch it no more. Well same kind of thing happened to me. Now my wood burner spends all its time hanging on the wall. Its sucha waste I know but I can’t bring myself to plug it back in.
I think I need a support group ;0)

Aligator Clip

How many ways to use a single prong alligator clip:

By Heather Burkett

1. Holding Bows during the construction stage. (I know obvious, but it gets better.)
2. Hold Clips into bows while the glue dries, and I remove the glue from my skin. Cause accuracy is something that I haven’t yet mastered. :0)
3. Hold the bump in my hair, because I still have yet to use the bump-it’s that I paid $10.00 for.
4. Kids use them to make fences for there cattle. (And I wonder why I can never find any after I just bought three boxes.)
5. To hold ears of HOT corn. (I swear I am not a redneck I was born in California and raised in Oregon.)
6. Use as a paperclip when the gigantic box of paperclips grows legs and walks off. (Yes I have actually walked into meetings with these on my papers, but they were spruced up of course.)
7. Holds bags of chips closed and well any other bag that needs a clip lol.
8. Photo holder.
9. Holds ribbon while you heat seal the ends, ask me how I figured that one out, major blister on my middle finger.
10. Book Mark and if I ever need one all I have to do is raid the book case.
11. In my car to hold the vent so it won’t rattle. (Yes I have a clunker)
12. Pattern holder, instead of using so many pins and having the pin holes I use these to hold the pattern.
13. Rolodex they section off the letters so it is easier to find the numbers I want.
14. Corner pusher, I use it to push the corners out in collars and such.
15. They are also in charge of holding up the umpteen million back drops that I have for my pictures.

These little things are very versatile tool. I only listed 15 ways I use them. Post how you use them and let’s see how many we can come up with.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Figuring this all out

SOrry this is kinda a boring post but o well. I have hit a slump, I have so much that i want to do but i have no desire to do it. i love crafting but i havent sold anything in awhile. I have a website and regardless of how i put things on there its just not appealing. i understand that it looks unprofessional and i want to change that, but all this website stuff is greek to me. U would understand if you knew how long it took me to figure out how to blog. and really am not sure if i am doing it right. but i know that i can hire some one to build and vamp a website for me but i dont make that much money at my day job, not saying that what they do isnt worth it cause it is. i just dont have that much money to spend on it.

thanks for reading and letting me vent.